The Actions a PI Lawyer Will Take to Maximize Your Compensation

Winning a personal injury case isn’t just about showing up and telling your side of the story. It takes a special mix of expertise, determination, and a whole lot of strategic thinking.
Winning a personal injury case isn’t just about showing up and telling your side of the story.[Imagesource]
Winning a personal injury case isn’t just about showing up and telling your side of the story.[Imagesource]
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By Sara Canning

pasersonal injury case isn’t just about showing up and telling your side of the story. It takes a special mix of expertise, determination, and a BTo win a case, lawyers experienced in personal injury law do more than just file with the clerk and fold their hands till the court date arrives. There’s a lot of effort and preparation that goes into ensuring that the court rules in your favor.

We will be taking a look at some of the actions a PI lawyer will take to maximize your compensation; after all, that is your major goal when you file a PI case. When you understand the full scope of their actions, you’ll appreciate just how vital their role is in your journey toward recovery and justice.

Calculate Your Damages Comprehensively

Oyne of the most important things your lawyer will do is calculate your damages. This means they’ll look at everything you’ve lost or spent because of your injury. They look past your medical bills and into your entire situation.

They’ll consider things like lost wages if you had to take time off work, any future medical costs, and even how the injury has affected your daily life.

For example, if you can no longer play sports or do activities you love, that emotional pain counts too.

A thorough calculation of all these damages gives your lawyer a solid number to work with when negotiating with insurance companies or in court.

Consult Experts and Ask Them to Testify

Your lawyer might bring in experts to strengthen your case. These could be medical professionals who can explain your injuries and the treatment you’ll need. They might also consult accident reconstruction specialists who can help clarify how the accident happened.

If these experts testify on your behalf, it adds a substantial amount of credibility to your case. It shows the court or the insurance company that your claims are backed by knowledgeable professionals.

This always goes a long way in convincing the judge or jury to take your claims as seriously as they should. 

Pursue All Potential Sources of Compensation

Another smart move your lawyer makes is to look for every possible source of compensation. Sometimes, the person who caused your injury might not be the only one responsible.

For example, if you got hurt in a car accident, the other driver’s insurance might cover some of your costs, but if they were driving for a rideshare company at the time, that company might also be liable.

Your lawyer will dig deep to find all the potential sources of money to ensure you’re not leaving anything on the table.

Employ Every Tactic in the Book During Negotiations

When it comes time to negotiate with the insurance company, your lawyer won’t just sit back and wait for them to make an offer. No. They’ll use every tactic they know to push for a better deal.

This might mean presenting all the evidence they’ve gathered, like medical records, expert testimony, and detailed damage calculations. They’ll explain to the other party how your life has been impacted and why you deserve a fair amount. They are like skilled negotiators, always ready to fight for what you should get, and more often than not, they win.

Challenge Adverse Rulings

If things don’t go as planned, perhaps a judge makes a ruling that hurts your case; your lawyer won’t back down. They’ll challenge those adverse rulings. They will file an appeal or look for ways to overturn decisions that are unfair or not backed by the evidence.
