How a Bachelor's Degree in Nursing Open Career Doors

People go into nursing to help others. When doing so, they may want to advance in their careers to provide a higher level of care. How can they do so? What benefits come with obtaining an advanced degree in nursing?
People go into nursing to help others. When doing so, they may want to advance in their careers to provide a higher level of care [Pixabay]
People go into nursing to help others. When doing so, they may want to advance in their careers to provide a higher level of care [Pixabay]
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By Isabella Thomas

People go into nursing to help others. When doing so, they may want to advance in their careers to provide a higher level of care. How can they do so? What benefits come with obtaining an advanced degree in nursing? 

Levels of Nursing

Many people are unaware that there are several levels of nursing. Licensed practical nurses complete basic tasks under the supervision of registered nurses and doctors. However, their duties are limited. 

Registered nurses have an Associate Degree in Nursing, must pass an exam, and become licensed before practicing. They provide and coordinate patient care while supplying emotional support. Many medical facilities now require all nurses to be RNs, as they can provide a higher level of care, and these facilities may require nurses to obtain a bachelor's degree in nursing to maintain employment. 

Nurse practitioners can diagnose and treat patients, write prescriptions, and more. Many states allow nurse practitioners to operate independently without being supervised by a medical doctor. However, before doing so, the nurse practitioner must obtain a Doctor of Nursing Practice or Master of Science in Nursing Degree and pass a national certification exam. 

Why Obtain a Bachelor of Science in Nursing? 

Nurses may wonder why they should spend the money to obtain a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. The industry remains short-staffed, so they should be able to advance in their careers without spending the money to further their education. However, those who obtain a BSN find they have more job opportunities. They can take on leadership roles and work in facilities they previously couldn't. Their pay also increases when they obtain this degree. What other ways can a nurse advance their career? 

Continuing Education

Healthcare is transforming rapidly. Every medical professional must keep up with these advances to ensure they provide patients with the highest level of care. Professional development seminars, webinars, and college or graduate school classes are all ways to advance one's education. 

Mentoring Programs

Nurses also benefit from mentoring programs. A mentor can provide advice based on their own experiences within the industry. When a nurse is struggling with burnout and other work-related challenges, the mentor can support them. In addition, the mentor helps the nurse evaluate different career choices to find the right opportunity. 

Professional Conferences

Nurses should attend professional conferences whenever possible to network with others. These conferences offer continuing education opportunities while allowing individuals within the industry to connect. Often, a person will find a mentor at one of these conferences. They may also meet colleagues who can help them navigate their careers, advance their skills, and more. 

Nursing Associations

Another way to advance one's career is to join professional nursing associations. These associations greatly help those wishing to obtain a bachelor's in nursing. The resources offered are beneficial, and nurses who get their advanced degrees often find they have access to job postings and more. With the help of these resources, they are easily able to find the right job for their needs. One organization to consider is the American Nurses Association

Every nurse should consider pursuing advanced education. A bachelor's degree in nursing is an excellent place to start. Once this degree has been obtained, many nurses find they wish to take the next step and pursue a Master's degree. Every person is unique, so they must find the right opportunity for their needs and lifestyle. Fortunately, nursing is one field where any person who wishes to advance in their career can do so easily. The opportunities are plentiful. 
