How To Lose Face Fat: 9 Effective Tips To Get A Jawline

Your jawline is your face's first impression. If you want to get rid of unwanted face fat, here are some tips from a pro.
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By- Joy C.

Losing weight in a specific area can be challenging. According to, spot reduction on the facial area is impossible. You have to focus on the overall weight loss instead of targeting a specific area.

You can go to a cosmetic surgeon to eliminate excess facial fat if the cost is not an issue. Or you can buy slimming traps and devices on the market that claim to help reduce facial fat. However, if you’re into natural ways and don’t have much budget for surgery, lifestyle changes can help you shed some pounds and lose facial fat.

Keep in mind that weight loss takes time and effort for long-term effects. Fortunately, many strategies help you lose weight and achieve a slimmer face. Follow our weight loss strategy below if you don’t know how to lose fat on your face.

Moreover, it also includes some tips to prevent weight gain in the long term.

How To Lose Face Fat With These 9 Tips

Chubby cheeks may look cute, but facial fat loss is the only solution for those who want a chiseled jawline. However, losing facial fat isn’t that simple; you have to trim down overall body fat first to make a significant change to your face.

Here are some ways to get rid of excess body fat, then eventually lose cheek fat and stubborn double chin:

Eat a healthy diet

One great way to lose face fat is to eat a balanced diet rich in fresh fruit and veggies. A protein-rich food keeps you energetic and satiates your hunger for a more extended period. Avoid processed foods and fried items because these items contain added sugar and salt that can contribute to unwanted fat.

Do facial exercises

Facial exercises help improve facial appearance and improve muscle strength. Some popular exercises include puffing out the cheek muscles, pushing air from side to side, holding the smile while clenching teeth, and puckering the lips on alternating sides.

Such exercises target the facial muscles that help increase muscle thickness, prevent excess fat, and improve facial rejuvenation.

Add cardio exercise

Aside from doing facial exercise, you also need to do regular exercise for the body. Cardio or aerobic exercise is any type of physical activity that can increase the heart rate, such as swimming, biking, running, and dancing. It’s an effective method for weight management.

Experts believe that to lose fat fast, you must incorporate a healthy diet with full body exercises for sustainable weight loss. Doing so, weight loss, in general, can have a slimming effect on the face.

Drink plenty of water

Drinking water is vital for your overall health. It can help if you lose or maintain a healthy weight.

Water can help you feel full. One research suggests that drinking water before a meal can significantly decrease your calorie intake, reducing the number of calories you consume during a meal.

Limit alcohol consumption

Enjoying a glass of wine or beer with dinner is fine, but excessive alcohol intake can lead to weight gain and bloating.

Alcohol contains high calories but lacks nutritional value, such as vitamins and minerals. It’s also a diuretic that can induce urination. This can lead either to water retention or dehydration. Some studies show that drinking alcohol increases inflammation, increasing the risk of weight gain and excess fat.

Get enough rest and sleep

If you’re looking for natural ways to lose weight on your face, it starts with a night of healthy sleep.

Sleep deprivation is one of the primary reasons you’ve uncontrollable body weight. It’s because it can increase levels of the stress hormone cortisol. High cortisol levels have potential side effects, such as weight gain.

To prevent facial fat and weight management, sleep at least 8 hours per night.

Monitor sodium intake

The main cause of sodium in most people’s diets is table salt. The most common way you consume it comes from processed or premade foods, sauces, and other condiments.

One common sign of excess sodium intake is bloating, which can contribute to facial swelling and puffiness. It’s because sodium causes your body to hold extra water, known as fluid retention.

Processed foods are responsible for more than 75% of sodium intake in your diet, so cut down on savory snacks, convenience foods, and processed meats to reduce your sodium intake.

Eat more fiber

Usually, facial fat is due to excess body fat. Though removing excess fat in a specific area is impossible, overall weight loss should be the primary goal.

One great way to reduce fat is to increase fiber intake. Fiber is absorbed by the body and moves slowly through the digestive tract, leaving the person satiated for a longer period.

Cut back on sugar

Aside from consuming calorie-deficit food, it’s essential to cut back on refined carbs, like sugar, and foods, like pasta, cookies, and crackers.

These carbs that contain little fiber have been heavily processed. They have been linked to belly and facial fat. Therefore, replace refined carbs with whole grains that can aid in overall weight loss, then eventually facial fat loss.

Can You Lose Fat From Just Your Face?

Targeted fat loss in certain body parts may seem impossible, but if you aim to lose weight generally, it can support the concept of spot reduction.

Fat cells are stored throughout the body, which can be broken down and used as fuel during exercise. These fat stores can come from any part of the body, not just from a specific body part you’re exercising.

Therefore, if you want to burn fat only from your face, it’s best to focus on overall fat and weight loss for the best results.

What Causes Face Fat?

There are plenty of reasons facial fat occurs, including:

●       Aging

●       Poor diet

●       Sedentary lifestyle

●       Cushing syndrome (common sign is: moon face)

●       Genetics

In addition, some people carry more fat in their hips and belly, and some have more fat stored in their cheeks. If you have a round shaped face, it can also give an impression of having chubby cheeks, even if it’s not the case.


Enhancing facial aesthetics by reducing facial fat is possible; however, you must remember that overall weight loss can make this happen. Luckily, different strategies can help you achieve it.

To sum up, if you don’t know how to lose weight in your face, make sure to eat nutritious foods, do strength training exercises, and have a healthy lifestyle to support weight management.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What foods make the face fat?

Refined carbs are one of the significant causes of weight gain. If you gain weight, expect to gain fat in all parts of the body, including the cheeks. Here are some examples of refined carbs:

●       White bread

●       Pasta

●       White rice

●       Syrups and frostings

●       Cookies and other baked goods

2. Why is my face getting fat but not my body?

Increased facial fat is due to weight gain. Some reasons include water retention that can make a face appear puffy or swollen, poor diet, lack of exercise, aging, and genetic conditions. If your face is getting fat, you also gain weight everywhere else.
