Namaz Offering Mamata Banerjee Remains Silent on Triple Talaq Verdict

Namaz Offering Mamata Banerjee Remains Silent on Triple Talaq Verdict
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  • In a recent tweet photo, Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee's photo offering Namaz can be seen on a Trinamool poster
  • This is not the first time Banerjee has stooped to such a level to get minority votes
  • Usually agile to respond on every issue, she has also chosen to remain silent on triple talaq verdict

August 26, 2017: Mamata Banerjee, the CM of West Bengal, was recently seen in a Trinamool Congress poster offering Namaz, an incident which has stirred a lot of heated reactions.

Very clearly the CM can be seen offering Namaz, a move that Babul Supriyo, BJP candidate, believes is "fooling the minority."

Just imagine the level to which politicians are now stooping down to appease the minority for their valuable votes. This is next level of appeasement politics.

But this Trinamool poster is not the first time that the Bengal CM has done so to gain minority votes.

When Mamata Banerjee was the Railway Minister, a railway advertisement was issued in 2010 with a photo of her offering Namaz. This came months before Bengal Polls for the Assembly.

The picture has also come under fire considering the Bangladeshi illegal immigrant problem that the state is bearing.

Furthermore, known for her quick responses to decisions considering nation at large, the Bengal CM has remained silent on the Supreme Court judgment that said Triple Talaq is unconstitutional. This too has not gone down well with her many critiques.

Banerjee, known for her offhand remarks on matters, chose the political strategy of silence. When asked about her view on the Supreme Court's verdict, she refused to answer the question.

It is quite obvious that the Namaz offering Mamata Banerjee has avoided discussions and controversies on any topic related to minority communities.

One of the five triple talaq petitioners to Supreme Court, Ishrat Jahan, has sought protection for herself and family after intimidation from the neighborhood. She has written to the CM regarding the same. As of yet, there has been no response.

This tight lipped attitude coming from Bengal CM has not gone down well with the public including the Muslim community who stands divided over her stance.

Prepared by Saksham Narula of NewsGram. Twitter: @Saksham2394

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