Can you develop Electricity from Human Urine?

Can you develop Electricity from Human Urine?
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November 22, 2016: Recycling and reusing have become very useful method for creating energy and electricity. They are not only environment-friendly but also easily available energies. We have seen cow dung being used as important energy resource for producing biogas. Recently a Mexican scientist Gabrial Luna-Sandoval has come up with a new invention whereby human urine can be used for generating electricity.

Humans pee about one and half liters a day. Gabrial's new machine processes them and the urine gets turned into biogas which serves as a household heater to take a hot shower or can be used for cooking as well. The machine uses electrolysis and hydrogen in urine to produce biogas. This creates electricity or replaces natural gas.

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According to Dr. Gabrial "15 ml urine is enough considering that we produce 1.4 liters of urine and if there are 3-4 members in family then the family can pay enough to cook". This method of electricity generation can have far reaching consequences, it can be used for future calling use in Mars.

Even the water used for energy will not go waste, as the filtered water can be used for drinking purpose as well. These are the certain possibilities that it has.

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British researchers, on the other hand, have developed microbial fuel cells that use live bacteria that feed on to inter-generate electricity.

Argentina is not lagging behind in generating renewable energy volunteers from Sumando Inerhias are recycling the trash to create solar energy. This will help in running water power heaters. This will be a great source of relaxation for communities that lack electricity and water. Apart from creating solar energy, they are also teaching them about recycling. Thus it's a two-fold benefit scheme for the community, as it can not only use the energy but can even actively take part in its generation.

A local resident Angel Guelari says that 'these are things that we throw away and they contaminate the environment, we can use them for practical things like having water in the house it's good to recycle.' Sumando Inerhias saw an increase in its number of volunteers over the years and they hope to build solar panels for three thousand families per year now, as reported by VOA news from Washington DC.

Renewable energy is not only cleaner but also safer and less polluting technique in the generation of energy. The shortage of resources can be curbed by switching over to a renewable form of energy. Community participation plays an important role in these forms of energy. It helps in creating awareness and judicious use of resources.

prepared by Saptaparni Goon of NewsGram. Twitter: @saptaparni_goon
