
Suvirya Ratna Vijayji Maharaj: 17-year-old Boy Converts from a Board Topper to Jain Monk

NewsGram Desk

-by Surbhi Dhawan

  • 17-year-old Varshil securing 99.9 percentile, became a monk
  • Varshil was dressed up as a groom before his conversion into a monk
  • Varshil denounced the world on Thursday with the permission of his parents

June 25, 2017: A 17-year-old who should be enjoying his teenage, has found his place in an entirely different divine world. Varshil Shah, who achieved percentile as well as 99.9, has become Suvirya Ratna Vijayji Maharaj. He has denounced the materialistic world for playing the real-life role of a Jain Monk.

Jain monks disconnect themselves from social and worldly activities and aim all their activities at self-purification for self-realization. They practice meditation which helps them gain knowledge and self-discipline. These monks are not allowed to live in their homes and stay in temples. They do not use telephone and electricity and perform open defecation and urination so that no living creature is harmed.

The student who achieved heights in academics, united with his guru in his spiritual hunt in an early morning ceremony at Surat on Thursday. He was all changed to a baldheaded monk with white clothes with a profound adieu to the material world.

According to Hindustan Times, the ceremony started about 4.30am with a procession called Vashidaan in which members of the Jain community dispose of jewellery and cash on the banks of the Tapi River, symbolising shunning of material world .The procession was followed by tonsuring of Varshil's head and chanting of prayers. This was preceded by the intense ritual of seeking permission of his parents to abandon the world.

On the eve of the ceremony, Varshil was fully dressed from head to toe like a groom, wrapping in an over bright sherwani which was paired with a turban. This was the last moment of his life when he was wearing colored clothes. He would wear white dhoti from the very next day and walk in free bare feet for rest of his life. He will eat whatever he receives from people, as monks are not allowed to cook meals.

Varshil's parents are satisfied with their son's decision. The decision of becoming a monk and leading a peaceful life somehow become valid because of the way he is brought up. Varshil grew up in a home, where electricity use was minimized. His house does not have a television and a refrigerator. According to Shahs, power generation kills many aquatic animals which is opposed to the Jain pledge of ahmisa, or non-violence. The name Varshil is over and Suvirya Ratna Vijayji Maharaj is the future.

– by Surbhi Dhawan of NewsGram. Twitter: @surbhi_dhawan

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