USA warming to Primaries on Tuesday (Super-Primaries)

USA warming to Primaries on Tuesday (Super-Primaries)
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In 2 days from now, USA Presidential primaries will see Super-Tuesday when 12 states will hold the primaries to choose their party nominees. The fight is on!

As Voice of America reports: "In coming days, Americans could have a much better sense of who will be this year's Republican and Democratic Presidential nominees. 12 states hold primary elections or caucuses Tuesday, and, in most of those states, polls show Republican front-runner Donald Trump and Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton with substantial leads."

Yesterday, in the democratic primaries held in South Carolina, Hillary Clinton easily beat the Democrat socialist Bernie Sanders, making the road tough for the latter. While among the Republicans, the billionaire business, often outspoken, Mr Donald Trump is leading the path with clear victories. However, Republicans Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz -even though trailing behind, have vowed to continue their fight. The verdict on super-Tuesday will be crucial for the candidates.

Primaries are elections where party members or voters vote for their candidate of choice within the party in the fight for the Presidential nomination. The winner from each party then goes to face the Presidential elections, held in November. This year, as Obama ends his 8 years of Presidency, the November elections will see a new President in office. The new President will be sworn in January of 2017.

Primaries or caucuses are part of inner-party democracy in the USA. Here, the candidates are not imposed from above, ie, high command. Rather the ticket aspirants have to fight among themselves (via elections) to secure the nomination.

USA has the Presidential system of governance. The term of President is for four years and an individual can not occupy the office for more than 2 terms. The President forms the executive branch of the democracy while the Congress does the legislative work.

The video is brought to you by NewsGram in collaboration with Voice of America.
